Friday, December 31, 2010

NaturVet ArthriSoothe-GOLD Tablets, 120 Count Immediately

My dog was diagnosed with a torn ligament and arthritis in her knee and surgery was recommended. I didn't feel good about that surgery for a 10 year old dog, so he suggested Synovi G3. I gave her that for 6 months & it helped her limping a little. Then I ran out of the stuff, & decided to see what I could find at Petsmart; after reading the ingredients on labels, I decided on NaturVet Joint Health timed release. After several weeks I noticed my dog was doing much better, and showed more improvement than she had with 6 months of Synovi G. I could not find the Joint Health to re-order but noticed that the Naturvet ArthriSoothe-GOLD has the same formula and also positive reviews. The vet had warned me that without surgery she would get to limping worse and worse. But she is so much better than she was in January, when she first tore the ligament, and she continues to improve and has not needed any Rimadyl since I put her on the ArthriSoothe. I have her on the maintenance dosage and that seems to do the trick. We are able to walk over a mile each day, and while she still is stiff when she gets up from lying down, once she moves around a bit she doesn't limp at all unless she tries to run. It hasn't made her knee good as what it once was, but it is a useable knee.Get more detail about NaturVet ArthriSoothe-GOLD Tablets, 120 Count.

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