Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cheap PetAlive UTI-Free for Bladder Infections and UTI in Pets

I'll spare you the details since my kitty was enduring much the same "no-pee" "red-pee" issues as the rest in these reviews. Just wanted to provide a quick tip.

While no one actually mentions this on any of the websites, it is WORLDS easier to dose your kitties if you dissolve the required dosage in a bit of water first instead of trying to get them to keep the little pellets in their mouths. Plus, you don't have to feed them all the time (every 30 minutes? come on people... when your animals are in pain they aren't typically interested in eating - well not all of them anyway. Plus you run the risk of counterproductivity if you are feeding them food that has a high pH and you are contributing to potential weight gain issues).

Use about 1 tsp of water, mix in your pinch of UIT-Free (double the water and double the pinch for larger animals or use whatever dose is necessary), stir and allow to fully dissolve, suck up in syringe/dropper and dose kitty/puppy without hassle!!

Hope it helps!Get more detail about PetAlive UTI-Free for Bladder Infections and UTI in Pets.

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