Thursday, December 30, 2010

Zymox Ear Drops with Hydrocortisone (Hc) - 8oz Best Quality

First, let me say that I am in AWE of these drops. We rescued a 3 yr old Mastiff (Duke)and when we first took him to our vet, he said that Duke's ears were so severely infected that he had probably had the ear infections for most of his life. The vet assumed food allergies, so we have him on a special all natural, hypoallergenic (and grain-free) diet. We have had him sedated multiple times for ear flushing & used Rx med after Rx med trying to clear the ears up. Nothing worked!! I looked up countless home remedies because, in just a few months, we had invested almost $3,000 in Duke's ears to no avail. Several blogs mentioned Zymox and I thought we would give it a try. (I was afraid to try the alcohol/ACV mixes and such out of fear they would burn our poor boy's sorely infected ears.) It took about 5 days for us to truly "SEE" and smell the difference, although Duke seemed to feel it sooner than that! What a spunky 170 lb boy he became when he started REALLY feeling good! The treatment seems odd because they tell you NOT to clean your dog's ears during the 7-10 days you use the drops. AFTER that, you can use the Zymox ear cleanser (separate product) to get the rest of the goo out. It is really a challenge NOT to clean the ears during treatment because they ooze nastiness and your instinct is to clean them!

My caution to you (and why I mentioned "BEWARE" is that I chose this Zymox with Hydrocortisone because I thought Hydrocortisone was soothing and his ears were such a mess. What I did NOT know was that Hydrocortisone can weaken the immune system of some dogs and lead to secondary infections! Duke had this problem! Our vet was in awe of the effectiveness of these drops, but suggested we get the Zymox WITHOUT Hydrocortisone. For Duke, each time we went in to the vet, he would take a culture from Duke's ears to see how to properly treat the infection that was present...we would get on top of bacteria, and then yeast would grow...or it would be viral...or both...or all three. Zymox didn't require all that expensive culturing because it works for all 3 types! We plan to use Zymox on a maintenance plan to keep Duke's infections from returning. This is the most amazing medication for ear infections ever and saved us a fortune! I HIGHLY recommend this product to anyone dealing with recurrent or chronic ear infections like we had with our sweet boy!Get more detail about Zymox Ear Drops with Hydrocortisone (Hc) - 8oz.

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