Monday, November 15, 2010

Shed Pro Granules for DOGS - 454 gm This instant

I'm sorry it didn't work for the other reviewer. Our experience was entirely positive.

We adopted an 8 year old female caanan dog a year ago. We were told (and read) that she would shed twice a year. The phrase used was "blow her coat" twice a year. Definition: She will shed two entire coats of fur twice a year, throughout the entire year. We have each owned German shepards, labs, collies, poodles, mutts - you name it - none shed like her. Her fur was everywhere an hour after we vacuumed and wiped down the house. We brushed her, we furminated her. We took her outside on windy days and literally "scrubbed" her fur with our hands, brushing away course and fine mats of loose fur to travel the winds. We're not sure where that fur collected, but we expect there's trouble down the street, somewhere.

Our vet said she's in great shape, she's just a shedder.

In desperation we bought Shed-Pro several months ago after reading positive reviews on other sites. We figured, what the heck. We were willing to try anything under [.....] before our vacuum choked down its final fur ball. No one was more surprised or delighted than us when a week after her first series of daily granule additives, she stopped poufing fur like summer dandelions. Last week was the first time we've run out of Shed Pro since we put her on the product and to our horror, almost a week to the day she got her last scoop of granules, the fur was back, wafting across the living room. Today there are curled tumbleweeds of fine fur clouds lining the bottoms of our cabinets and appliances in the kitchen.

We are ordering two containers of Shed-Pro today. We'll never let ourselves run out again. Shed-Pro Granules for Dogs (454 gm)Get more detail about Shed Pro Granules for DOGS - 454 gm.

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