Sunday, July 11, 2010

Azodyl Caps 60ct This instant

This product works great! My 16 year old cat has CRF and diabetes. It's difficult and expensive to treat both. This price for this product helps me keep the costs lower! Her kidney numbers improved lots after being on this product a short time. I open the pill and stir it into a teaspoon of food, which she gobbles up like there is no tomorrow! She thinks it's a real treat!
A word of caution: whoever you order this from online, be sure they ship in cold packs. Even if they do, check how long they'll be in transit and if it's hot out. This has to be kept cold. If it's summer and hot, consider just taking a hit and buying locally so you'll know it's cold. Otherwise, get them to ship in dry ice if you can. I ordered this from Medi Vet and despite being packed in 3 cold gel packs, in a foil padded envelope, surrounded by air bags, it was still not cool enough when it arrived. It was only in transit for 3 days. But, the USPS lets things sit on trucks/planes in the 100 degree heat for hours. No cold back can withstand that.Get more detail about Azodyl Caps 60ct.

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